Sunday 30 June 2013

Reflection corner

This is my lent reflection corner that was mostly contructed by my wonderful LSA. All the classes in the school have reflection corners. This is an important part to the classroom as we are a Church of England school, the importance of fostering these values is paramount to the running of our our school daily life. We say a prayer before lunch and at the end of the day. Our daily collective worship altogether in the hall helps to create a unity in the school and a caring environment. 

My reflection corner works really well for the age group that I teach, there are chairs for quiet reflection, past prayers displayed on the prayer tree and extra blank leaves for the children to write new ones for things on their minds. This helps on many levels, helping our children to think more about the wider world and environment, as well as their relationship with family, friends and themselves. Some children feel they can not talk to anyone directly, so it helps to write it down. 

Other features include; the guided subject we are thinking about ( in this case in the photo it's lent), also the cross with a coloured ribbon which indicates what part of the waiting cycle we are at. We also have on display The Lords Prayer, a bible, some books about worship and a poster of our school's 'family'. These are fictional characters to represent all the different religions of children that attend our school. It helps support the unity that we try to foster and understanding of other faiths. It also helps to support inclusion for children of other faiths to write prayers for themselves, that otherwise they may not of felt they could do.

I think next year I will try to update this area of my classroom more often as it is central to the values and thinking skills that our school tries to promote.

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